coming home

My first year of international teaching has officially concluded. The classrooms are empty and the hallway walls are stripped. My energy has been depleted and my soul is craving for some recovery time. Our school has taken over the Warsaw airport and just as summer is about to hit nearly everyone.

I am thankful for a year that has humbled me, challenged me and left my heart so full. Gathering up the courage to bike to school and getting caught in summer-like storms. Exploring the forrest and then the riverside, drinking wine and watching movies in the park. Taking part in silent discos, beer and coffee festivals along with eating all the ice cream this city can throw my way. It has all left me so grateful and appreciative of this life I lead.

Thank you for joining me in this journey and taking time out of your day to catch up with me this past year. I promise I will continue to update on my adventures but lucky you, this one is going to be short because I have a flight to catch and this time… I am coming home.





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